No Warnings, Watches, or Advisories
Visible Radar Visible Satellite
Updated: @ 10-Sep-2024 9:04am - next update at 12:00am  
Summary / Temperature Wind Rain Outlook
Partly cloudy, Dry Partly cloudy, Dry
Currently: 61.5°F, Max: 70.4°F, Min: 60.2°F 61.5°F
Warmer 0.9°F than last hour.


Feels like: 62°F

24-hr difference
-0.3°FColder 0.3°F than yesterday at this time.
  Today Yesterday
High: 70.4°F
Low: 60.2°F
 Wind from W W
4 mph
1 Bft - Light Breeze
Today: 21 mph 12:27am
Gust Month: 28.0 mph September 4
Rain Today: 0 in
Rain Rate (/hr): 0 in
Rain Yesterday: 0 in
Storm Rain: 0 in
This Month: 0.06 in
Season Total: 18.3 in
2 rain days in September.

Tonight: Areas of smoke before 4am. Partly cloudy, with a low around 57. Northeast wind 5 to 9 mph.
Areas Smoke

Humidity & Barometer Almanac Moon
Humidity: 79 % Increased 3.0% since last hour.
Dew Point: 54.9°F Increased 1.9°F since last hour.
Barometer: 30.231 inHg  
Baro Trend: Steady
Sunrise: 7:15am
Sunset: 8:05pm
Moonrise: 3:24pm
Moonset: 10:23pm
Waxing Crescent
Waxing Crescent, Moon at 6 days in cycle
UV Index Solar Radiation
   0.0    None
High: 0.0 @ 12:00am
116 W/m2 (72 %)
High: 116 @  9:02am
National Weather Service History
Normal Rain Month:  1.72  in. Normal Rain YTD:  15.24  in.
Normal High:  76°F Normal Low:  48°F
Record High:  100°F  1952 Record Low:  27°F  1943
 NWS Weather Forecast  - Outlook: Today & Tonight

Today: Areas of smoke. Mostly sunny and hot, with a high near 92. West wind 5 to 10 mph becoming northwest in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 18 mph.
Areas Smoke

Hi 92 °F
NWS forecast: Areas of smoke. Mostly sunny and hot, with a high near 92. West wind 5 to 10 mph becoming northwest in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 18 mph.
Davis VP+ forecast: Partly cloudy with little temp change.

Tonight: Areas of smoke before 4am. Partly cloudy, with a low around 57. Northeast wind 5 to 9 mph.
Areas Smoke

Lo 57 °F
NWS forecast: Areas of smoke before 4am. Partly cloudy, with a low around 57. Northeast wind 5 to 9 mph.